Saturday, June 30, 2012

I Dare You To Let Me Be Your One And Only

Sorry, my blog has gone on a cheesy slope again, but to be honest I'm enjoying it so so much  (!!!)

Yesterday my friends and I had the best time celebrating Anita & CK's special day, it's amazing how until a few months ago, Anita and I didn't even know each other that well, I'm so glad she took me on this journey and made me part of her team while giving me 100% of her trust.  You've made it girl!

I'll let the bride be the first one to publish her wedding pictures, meanwhile I will show you some behind the scenes shots.  Pat (who was drop dead gorgeous by the way) was truly the logistics/planning brain throughout the whole event, and I have discovered some hidden talents such as blowing & knotting 80 balloons without passing out.  The Guys with Scars were professional and appreciated by their groupies as usual.  (Cong had his butt grabbed a bunch of times by a guy, I had to mention this)

Anita,  j'aimerai te souhaiter encore une fois tout le bonheur du monde avec CK.  Je l'ai seulement rencontré pour la première fois hier, mais il faut être aveugle pour ne pas voir qu'il est fou de toi.  Je suis fière de vous deux!!  En passant, lorsque vous vous êtes embrassés après l'échange d'alliances, Pat et moi nous nous sommes tenus par les épaules pour ne pas fondre de cheesiness & vomi, vous êtes VRAIMENT MUSHY par moment hahaha

Growing old with your best friend... The most romantic thing we all wish for, really.  

The lovely twins & musicians on the semi-secret belvedere up Mont-Royal, we were waiting for the groom to arrive at the end of the Surprise scavenger hunt.  

Tim, Piratographer lol

 Groupies everywhere they go,  Guys with Scars : Cong & Tim.

I'm seriously impressed by my lungs capacity.  But my lips sorta went numb after the 56th balloon.

Bon, j'ai demandé qu'on te joue cette chanson en slow hier soir, Anita, mais Rida ne l'avait pas sur son ordi, alors la voici.  <3

Wednesday, June 27, 2012

Trois ans.

Déjà trois ans depuis cette rencontre fortuite!
Par grand hasard pour sans aucun doute mon plus grand bonheur :)
(même si parfois je maudis le destin de m'avoir fait cette JOKE de me faire rencontrer le gars de ma vie pour ensuite crisser l'océan atlantique entre lui et moi )

Alors ma lavette, 
merci de m'avoir dit Bonjour en premier, malgré mon bitch face intimidant... En y repensant je crois pas que j'aurai eu le courage de t'adresser la parole pendant toutes ces semaines, donc on ne se serait jamais connu, et je ne serai pas ici 3 ans plus tard à préparer mon visa pour aller te rejoindre YAAAAAAAAYYYYYY  à nos trois ans et à toutes celles qui vont suivre!!!!!   

bisous censurés.

Wednesday, June 20, 2012



Dammit HBO series are so captivating, I've also finished watching GIRLS season 1, yall should give it a try if you like raw and honest narratives with imperfect and awkward characters struggling in NEW YORK.   It's a far cry from the glamorous Sex and the City or the frivolous Gossip Girls series ( um actually  I haven't watched either so I might be blindly judging) and I really love it.

Back to Game of Thrones!!! I'm quite happy that I've waited  a year before watching it because now Season 2 is available!! Without wanting to  reveal any spoilers for those of you who haven't had the privilege  to watch it.....UGHHHHH episode 9 had me all shaken up and throwing my fists in anger toward the sky  :'(

I've seen these 3 movies/teleseries at different periods of my life, but my mind was blown when I finally realized that it's one and same actor, Sean Bean.

 Boromir being awesome. One does not simply... ahaha


Oh Vronsky. I loved the book and this cast from 1997 so much that out of respect for them, I shall boycott the upcoming adaptation.  Nevermind that I enjoyed Atonement (and slightly Pride& Prejudice, just for the beautiful sceneries and mr. daaaarcy)  Joe Wright must be a FKIN RETARD to let Keira play Anna Karenina, he has obviously never read the book.  'oh a historical piece, let's use Keira!'  

I hope his new movie turns into a monumental flop and that no one will ever finance his movies featuring Keira eveeeeeerrrrrrr again.    Yo can you imagine directing a jaw???!!!  This thing's got a life of its own I tell you. #hater

Monday, June 18, 2012

You should date an illiterate girl.

Date a girl who doesn’t read because the girl who reads knows the importance of plot. She can trace out the demarcations of a prologue and the sharp ridges of a climax. She feels them in her skin. The girl who reads will be patient with an intermission and expedite a denouement.

 But of all things, the girl who reads knows most the ineluctable significance of an end. 

She is comfortable with them. She has bid farewell to a thousand heroes with only a twinge of sadness.

Thursday, June 14, 2012

Vanessa Bruno

Non je vais pas consacrer un article sur les vêtements de la marque Vanessa Bruno, mais la maison de celle-ci, qui selon moi représente le parfait équilibre entre la simplicité et le cozy.  Ce n'est pas trop minimaliste au point d'être froid !  Mais c'est vrai que sans parler de décor intérieur, l'appartement est déjà bien parti avec ces poutres rustiques (waouuuu)  et le plafond très haut.  

Des poutres et un beau plancher de bois franc antique, ça va être mes 2 premiers critères lorsque je vais acheter  rêver de ma future maison.

Wednesday, June 13, 2012


I'm having the shittiest of days and I swear, if I stay at my current job I might just become a chain smoker.

Just wish I could figure out as soon as possible exactly what I want to do with my life, so that I can start doing it NOW.

On another note, I don't think any one of my friends smoke!!  Proud of you guys.

Monday, June 11, 2012

Today is Huilong's Day

Yes I just declared today as the Official Huilong's Day.

Although I did not contact you this weekend (peur de te faire déconcentrer comme une tapette), I sent you all the positive spartan energy in me and some very much needed extra IQ points on your way for your LSAT exam.   I'm sure you did great, and to celebrate I shall give you The Headbutt of Victory.  and post some embarrassing pictures of you, embarrassing cuz we basically looked the same...  Yes your long hair days tragically coincided with my short little boy hair period...

You are
The best 191 bus partner in crime one can imagine.  I've probably spent more time in my life on this damn bus than sleeping by now.

You are also the most neutral person I know, I mean it as a compliment, being the super racist/mean/judgmental person that I am, you have always been there to show me the other side of things and reminding me to take a step back before I get beat up on the street for saying something stupid and most likely racist.  Sometimes you just want me to shut up but you say it in such a funny way that I keep talking just to hear your fast paced "shutthefuckupnoob" with this face -_-  on repeat.

  -_-       = literally a homage to your face man.

 You are also
The Karaoke King.  You might not realize this but you've got a better voice at karaoke than any one of us.  Granted we set the standards pretty low, but you just blow us away with your EYE OF THE TIGER.

Anyway, I know you are like my blog's biggest fan, and I know I haven't been the nicest friend to you, but give me a shout when you wake up from your 72 hour long post exam recovery sleep and we shall go celebrate!!!

Wednesday, June 6, 2012

Je vends mon piano :(

Si vous connaissez quelqu'un qui cherche un piano droit, je vends le mien, un ancien Morris du début des années 1900 entièrement restauré.   Je l'ai acheté il y a 7-8 ans avec toutes mes économies d'ado, toutes mes pochettes rouges accumulées depuis que je suis née et un peu d'aide de mes parents.

C'était dans ma phase ~*  Korean Pianist Crush *~ .  En fait je n'ai jamais eu aucun sens de rythme ou oreille musicale, j'espère que le prochain propriétaire saura l'utiliser à son plein potentiel. 

C'est sûr que j'aurai largement préféré pouvoir le garder, mais mes parents pensent vendre la maison de Lachine cette année, et comme je n'ai pas d'appart à Montréal, je dois me départir de tous mes actifs (ok à part ce piano et ma voiture j'ai franchement pas grand chose).  Je pense aussi à louer un espace de stockage et y mettre quelques meubles et boîtes, plutôt que de devoir tout racheter quand je reviendrai m'installer à Montréal.  Je parle au futur simple parce que dans ma tête, je pars déjà en France pour un an -_-.   
Man I need to get my shit together.

Tuesday, June 5, 2012


" Si un an a suffi pour qu'il soit « guéri et changé », ce doit être parce qu'il n'a jamais été assez « malade » au point d'être tenu non criminellement responsable de ces actes, en mon humble opinion." 

Saturday, June 2, 2012

On the subject of the cheesy wedding videos

Today was a productive labor day, it was my first time doing wedding-related crafting for a bridezilla and I must say, it was fun!  I'm kidding about the bridezilla part, as a matter of fact, Anita gave us CARTE BLANCHE for everything, the only thing she didn't allow me to do was drawing penises in her guestbook/scrapbook.  8===)
But I did manage to slip in 2 batman logos on one of the pages.   I also scored a cuuuute pair of shoes, courtesy of miss Patsilla <3 oh the perks of having small midget feet.

The girls &   Huilong told me about Epic Asian wedding videos (with slow motion cheesiness and all), and because I actually LOOKED IT UP on youtube, I think I should make you all watch one that made me puke a little in my mouth (for revenge purposes) .   So yeah, expensive cameras, fancy Bali resort, surreal angelic music,... not for the weak of heart /coeurs sensibles, s'abstenir!!

MAIS, pour pas que vous pensez que je me moque uniquement des gens de mon peuple, je vais aussi vous montrer cette video du mariage du mannequin Coco Rocha, parce que le fromage est international. À regarder en plein écran et Haute Résolution -_- attention, c'est vraiment intense.


Et pour finir il faut vraiment que vous regardez cette publicité TROP CREEPY.  Vous voyez comme on pourrait facilement transformer l'histoire en histoire d'horreur?!

En espérant que je n'ai pas perdu de lecteurs suite à cet article un peu trop enthousiaste et mielleux,



il sogno é il mondo mio, tu sai che oggi morirei per onestá.

Pour célébrer la fête nationale de l'Italie, je vous file cette vidéo du film québécois Leolo, un segment où il nous présente son amour sicilienne Bianca.

 Leolo is a STRANGE and strikingly beautiful movie, I've wanted to watch it for a long time and I finally did last Christmas with the moose.  We were both mesmerized by its bizarre and raw poetry, I don't think any other movie has left me in such a state of nostalgia and ...longing for something unknown but real...   How can I put this, the entire story is so strange yet so real, as if the director dived into your brain and filmed from the depth of your subconscious.


By the way, was last week the week of cannibals, zombies and american psycho or what?!!