Friday, January 7, 2011

Which five words do you see first?

Our psychological state allows us to see only what we want/need/feel to see at a particular time. What five words do you see ?

mine are:  leave, suicide, passion, coke, flesh. this a joke??


  1. mine was: leave,man, kiss, passion, kick

  2. mine: leave, fool,man, crush, bail

    humm whats that supposed to mean? lol

  3. bail, lust, leave, malice, secret...

    So what do I want / need / feel at this particular time? Honestly, I think it's just because I'm watching too much mystery tv shows...

    Yili, I think that you want to LEAVE this town so that you won't commit SUICIDE. You need a life of PASSION and drinking a bit of Coke from time to time would make you happy. :) And umm, the only thing I can think about with the word flesh is that you might have some cannibalism tendancy? Lol, just kidding, but just so you know, cannibalism is a criminal offense.

    Anita, you don't want to LEAVE your MAN, but you want to KISS him with PASSION. And if he's not a good boy, you will kick his ass. :)

    Maggie, if your MAN takes you for a FOOL, you will LEAVE him. And you will CRUSH his tiny bones, frame him so he would go to jail and not pay his BAIL. :)

  4. arm

  5. Coke is cocaine I believe, and flesh refers to sex. So rock n roll :)

    Anita, your man just left on a trip to Asia right?? when he comes back, there will be lotsa kisses with passion.

    Maggie, you left the fool already haha i think there is also a "runner" in this bundle of words ;)

    Jenni , sounds likes a drama. such a player: bail, lust, leave!

    Axel: ta haïne pour les fools politiciens en général qui font des discours pd, et ensuite un crush secret, pour les hommes....donc tes désirs als -_-

    Pat: vivre dans le présent avec passion, crush the arms of those who will get in your way.

    ah too much b*llshitting!

  6. Andrew is in the land of Kamasutra for your information.

  7. LOL. great interpretation guys. Huilong, you are living in the present and you're also quite upset at some man/fool.

  8. bail, lust, coke, passion, naked.

    That's weird !
