Wednesday, December 9, 2009

wooah slow down!!!

Il me reste que 2 jours à Bordeaux?!

Mais je n'ai pas envie de faire mes valises!!!

I don't want to leave behind my 2 old cooking hot plates, my tv with only 3 channels, my blue door, my street full of dog crap and my beloved wheel- spinning table converted from a sewing machine...

And no matter how much I complain about the French, the French system, the French school, the French public transport, I LOVE IT HERE! I'm so happy that my school sent me here even though I haven't applied for this destination. It was my fate haha

And I haven't accomplished one of my missions here, I am still ridiculously alcohol intolerant :( No matter many Bordeaux I try here, my face still turns red after 2 drops, I'm a failure I tell you!


  1. Au moins, tu as eu la chance de vivre une expérience inoubliable! :) Ça c'est bien passé les cours? Tu penses avoir des bonnes notes?

  2. lol you're not a failure to alcohol.. it's all in your genetics so i dont think you'll ever be tolerant :( sucks! but im glad you had a lovely time there!! tell us all your stories when u get back!
