Friday, April 2, 2010

I have a nervous bad habit. I'm always craving for things to read, even if its just 5 minutes in the metro. When I work on weekends I go through all the magazines and newspaper in the store, even if it really doesnt interest me.
I also enjoy reading blogs. I recently stumbled on an old friend's blog...well, when you read someone's diary for a few years, you really feel like they've become your friend. Back in 2006 she was about to graduate from college and started dating this guy. She shared with her readers the details of their dates, and her thoughts, as she was pondering whether he might be "the one". many dates, adventures, fights, decisions later (one year actually haha), he asked her in marriage. Fastforword another year she wrote about their first christmas in their new house. Then...I kind of forgot about her blog, until tonight.  She is fourteen weeks pregnant with her first child, moved into her dream house and upgraded her job.  Boy she seems happier and lovelier than ever!   Not a lot of time has passed, but you can tell how much she has changed her life, or life changed her. I'm so proud of this girl.
which brings me to reflect on my own life. It's going absolutely nowhere!  why should i even keep a blog?


  1. Aw, I think that it's normal to think that our life is going nowhere. The grass is always greener on the other side. Even if nothing special is happening in your life, you should try to enjoy every moment, every ray of sunshine. :) And even when life gets hard, it will eventually become easier... Hang in there! Summer is almost here. :)

  2. true true bunny
    cheer up, ure having a date with me on monday :)
