Saturday, May 2, 2009

First post from China!!

I just got back from a crazy wedding, my older cousin's, and I never knew that the bridesmaid had SO much duties!!!

We woke up at 5am to prepare for all the formal ceremonies on both parents' side, then my cousin changed dresses like 24354 times, having her own makeup artist helping her. There were just too many things going on at once, and eventually we were 60 tables of 12 ppl at the diner at the hotel. There was ballet, tango, singing on stage, and 5464575 speeches and videos and powerpoints. it's nuts I tell you. Also, the money, oh yes, every guest brought a little red pocket that I had I put in a red purse, We had over 600 guests....that's a whole of money I tell you!!

1 comment:

  1. I shouldn't leave a comment because I'M STILL SEETHING MAD AT YOU for leaving without saying bye or anything, but since I'M SUCH A GOOD FRIEND, I'm leaving one anyway.

    Even if it's a comment aimed at making you feel bad. :)

    I kid. I can't wait to get married and get money;kind of like receiving all that money pays back all the fees of the wedding! Yeah!
