Tonight I came home to the smell of a vegetable soup... after so many weeks of going home alone, cooking & eating alone, it's really nice to see the lights on before I enter the door. I honestly haven't had that feeling for a long, long time. This being said, I don't get along with my parents very well, but I've been living by myself in this empty house since my return from France and for once c'était pas le silence total la nuit.
On the bus, a 100 kg man stepped on my foot, and didn't even apologize.
I'm not going to leave you on this bitter note, so here are some paintings by John Bauer, the illustrator from Sweden of the wonderful Trolls & Gnomes book.
J'aime beaucoup ce style d'illustration, faudrait que je trouve un de ses livres illustrés pour en raconter les histoires à mon enfant un jour. non, juste pour moi en fait!
Les images sont belles! Surtout la dernière, tellement féérique!